Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our Beautiful Girls!

These are pictures of Taylor and Abby after Nanny took them for haircuts! Aren't they gorgeous?!

Can you find Shain??

This gives you a general idea of the leaves we deal with every fall...although you cannot tell by this picture how tall this pile was...and all from our front yard!!

Fall in North Carolina

My absolute favorite season, especially since moving to the East Coast....it's the most gorgeous time of year....I never get tired of "oohing" and "ahhing" when I'm driving around....now this is Fall!

New Haircut

Yes, Aaron's hair was quite long....and when I look back at this picture from before his haircut, I know realize it! I do love his haircut...he looks like such a little boy now...no more baby. I did cry the day we got this done, but he needed it...there was no denying it anymore! So, I thought I would post "before" and "after" pictures for all to see! My handsome boy!!