Friday, September 12, 2008

Yes, I know.....he needs a haircut!

Everyone keeps telling me he needs a haircut, and he does get called a "girl" a little too often....but I just can't seem to part with it! A big part of me doesn't want to cut his hair because then that would mean he is no longer a "baby" but a little boy - not ready for that just yet. I want him to stay a baby a little bit longer. Not to mention the fact that anyone who knows Aaron knows that sitting in a chair, STILL, for a haircut would be nearly impossible! May God bless the stylist who has to cut his hair for the first time! haha!


Pardue Family said...

I thought you had two boys and two girls Cara, not 3 girls!!! Just kidding...did you cut his hair yet...??

Peterson's said...

no, I haven't brought myself to cut his hair yet...although EVERYONE keeps tell me to, including my husband. It is getting rather long and I have to say he gets called a girl more times than I would like to admit, but I just can't bring myself to part with it yet! I'm working up to it...little by little! Miss you!

Pardue Family said...

Come on..."man up" as my kids is only hair...and it will, guranteed grow back!!! I love you girl...can't wait to see you some day again!!!! With this economy, money is so tight though...who know's when we'll ever get out of Cali!!!