Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Before and After

Just wanted to post these pics of Shain before his summer haircut and after for those of you who have not seen Shain lately and didn't know how long his hair had gotten. We finally talked him into cutting it. Actually, we didn't have much to do with it. He saw a picture of himself with his hair wet (after being in the lake) and that was all it took. He said he looked like a "girl" and didn't want to look like that anymore....and so the story goes....now it's nice and short and "boyish" again! yah! Momma got her way!


Pardue Family said...

Nice doo!! Corey finally cut his too...it was just too much for Soccer!! It is nice to see your eyes Shain!! You are so handsome...

Peterson's said...

Yeah, I was sooo happy when Shain finally cut his hair. He was making me sweat with all that thick hair! You know what it took? He saw a pic of himself all wet at the lake and he thought he looked like a girl cuz his hair was so long....he said that is what did it for him. I was happy!